A mom's blog
Hello all. I know I have been off the blog for sometime. I am back and want to make a blog every mother can relate to. I love reading blogs about family and mother hood; as well as fashion and design. I have found it hard to relate to these bloggers because they always look fabulous and I don't know one mom who looks their best all day. Also most moms can not afford $300 shoes for their children. This blog is dedicated to all those hard working families, single moms, single dads and, just single ladies looking for some inspiration. Now let me introduce myself..... I should have done that in the beginning. I am a 31 year old mother, wife and behavioral therapist in Arizona. I'm not an amazing cook, but I do cook pretty good. I love shopping at thrift stores and finding deals on eBay. I hope you all enjoy this blog where I will try to post daily.